Your Portal
Welcome to your dedicated Patient Portal guide. Navigating your health information should be straightforward and hassle-free. Empower yourself with direct access to your medical records, appointments, and more, ensuring you're always in control of your health journey.
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Instructions for your Patient Portal
We have recently transitioned to a new medical records system that will allow you to have access to all of your medical information including lab results, lab orders and appointment instructions through a patient portal. In order to gain access to your portal, you should have either received an email with a link inviting you to the portal OR you can try to log in HERE. If you receive an error message that says you do not have access to your account, please contact our office at (512) 368-9171, option 5, and ask for portal access.Once you have set up your account and logged into the portal, you will need to complete the following steps:
Step 1 - Contact Info / Profile Picture
Contact Info / Profile Picture
Click on MY ACCOUNT DETAILS and update all of your contact information.
You can skip the insurance info since we do not file claims and won’t need it.
Please upload a PROFILE PICTURE - this is REALLY helpful for us since there are so many of you.
Step 2 - Pharmacies
Add a REGULAR pharmacy and a COMPOUNDING pharmacy (yes, 2 different pharmacies) where you would like for us to send your prescriptions.
Compounding pharmacies make specialty medications like hormones, ie: testosterone or progesterone.
Step 3 - Consent Forms
You do NOT need to fill out any of the New Patient Questionnaires.
You DO need to fill out all of the consent forms, even if you have already done them in the past, so that everything in your chart will be updated.
New Patient - Disclosure & Consent for Integrative Medicine
New Patient - Financial Liability/Agreement to Pay
New Patient - General Authorizations
New Patient - General Consent to Treatment
New Patient - HIPPA Privacy Authorization
New Patient - Office Policies
If you are on MEDICARE, you MUST complete the MEDICARE form because it informs you that our providers have opted-out of accepting Medicare and by law you must acknowledge that you are aware of that.
Step 4 - Appointment Update Form
Complete the Established Patient - Appointment Update Form.
This must be done before each follow-up appointment with your provider.
Only fill out the Qsymia, Pregnancy update Form or Release of Information form as needed.
Step 5 - Lab Results / Lab Orders
You can access your lab results and/or lab orders by clicking on LABS & DOCUMENTS. From there, you can print or download a copy of labs as needed.
Your lab orders are sent in electronically, but a printable copy of the order is available in your portal if you’d like to take a copy with you to the lab as a back-up.
Step 6 - Appointment Summary
After each appointment, you will find your instructions from your provider under MY APPOINTMENT SUMMARIES.
You will receive a notice from the system when your instructions have been posted to your portal so no need to keep logging in to check on the status.
Above all remember:
There’s no reason to still have thyroid symptoms.
-McCall McPherson PA-C